Who is coaching for?
People who want it to be different, who are ready to learn, grow and re-create their future.
Abraham Lincoln said – “the best way to predict your future is to create it”
People come to coaching primarily to change something
  • Maybe they feel they are treading water and want to make a difference - are you reaching for makes you buzz?
  • They have a desire to achieve something that is constantly out of reach - writing that book, starting that business, learning to play the piano.
  • They hire a coach to help focus on more fulfilment or balance in their lives - does it feel like something is missing or the focus is all one way?
  • Somtimes people are feeling overwhelmed with the change they are facing and are desperate for clarity - redundancy, relocation, change in personal circumstances, health, finances, returning to work.
  • Some are finding it hard to hold onto their vision due to the way it is - how often are you driven by circumstances rather than your wants, your goals?
  • Entrepreneurs … how often does the accountant create the focus rather than what differentiates you?
Logistics of Coaching
If you are interested in being coached privately the first thing to do is book a sample session and discover what coaching feels like. It is also an opportunity for us to see if the chemistry is right. This session is free and you are under no obligation to continue.
Discovery Session
The next step is a “Discovery” or “Intake” session.  This is the time we build the foundation of our coaching relationship.  Lasting around 2 hours we design how we will work together what our commitments and expectations are. We look at what led you to coaching, your goals, what you want.  The session allows us to gain a better understanding of what is important to you now and going forward.
Regular Coaching
Regular sessions typically take place over the phone for 45 minutes and occur twice a month. In certain circumstances we may decide an alternative pattern may be more beneficial at which time we can discuss alternatives.
Time and Space
The partnership is designed with an initial 4 month commitment, and is made up of the Discovery Session and then three regular coaching months in which to get cracking. Whilst huge learning and growth can be achieved in the initial months, the natural progress of change is undulating, throwing curve balls when you least expect them. In making initial changes it is common to find out the goal alters, requiring reflection and adjustment. The process and the coaching relationship needs time to create lasting change.


When you consider that top athletes have coaches, it's curious that a lot of people regard life coaching with scepticism. During the last 6 months, I've found that Allison is a thoroughly experienced and perceptive coach, who has helped me to develop a better understanding of myself. Allison has helped me identify and explore opportunities for personal development I hadn't considered before. She has challenged me to get out of my career comfort zone, helping me set new and ambitious goals for the future.

John, Project Manager, Wiley Blackwell